Announcing our 2021 Virtual Workshop Series

Bo Razón



Brazilian Percussion Workshop with André Coelho

Saturday, February 13, 2021

André Coelho with tamborim

Join us for a free workshop with Brazilian percussionist André Coelho from Rio de Janeiro. The workshop will cover some background on Brazilian rhythms and describe each of the main instruments used in batucada and rodas de samba: surdo, pandeiro, tamborim, cuíca, agogô, reco-reco, reqique de mão and repique de anel, tantam or rebolo, ganzá or chocalho, and others.



Deep Listening and Emotion in Sound with Brian Falkowski

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Brian Falkowski

Join us for a free workshop with DC-based composer and multi-instrumentalist Brian Falkowski. In this workshop, Brian will discuss and demonstrate the often overlooked art of how to critically listen to music and hear emotion in sound. This skill is applicable to all genres of music and ability levels, no experience necessary.



Samba Grooves and Rhythmic Patterns in Brazilian Music with Richard Miller

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Richard Miller

Join us for a workshop about samba grooves and rhythmic patterns in brazilian music, taught by Richard Miller.



Rhythmic Innovations in the Pagode Samba Movement of Rio de Janeiro with Philip Galinsky

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Phil Galinksy

The original meaning of the word pagode in the samba scene of Rio de Janeiro is a communal gathering of musicians to play, sing, and dance this most typical of Brazilian genres. In this workshop, percussionist-ethnomusicologist, Philip Galinsky, Ph.D. (founder and director of Samba New York!) will trace the early history of the samba pagode movement. He will also highlight some of the new instruments created and introduced into the samba by members of Grupo Fundo de Quintal (The Backyard Group), the pioneering band of the movement and one of the most influential ensembles in the history of the genre.



Clave – Orphan Roots of American Culture: A Workshop on African Rhythm in Modern Music with Jean-Francis Varre

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Jean-Francis Varre

This interactive workshop is the first in a music and culture series tentatively titled “Black Atlantic.” The focus of the workshop is to shed light on the black African aesthetic of rhythmic structure commonly dubbed “syncopation” by Western musicologists but better explained by the Afro-Cuban concept of the “clave.” Participants will see how this African principle was incorporated into and influenced Western concepts of musical meter ranging from Brazil to the US, how it remains at the core of nearly all modern music, and how it can be applied in composition.



Pandeiro workshop with André Coelho

Thursday, May 13, 2021

André Coelho pandeiro

This workshop led by carioca percussionist André Coelho focuses on the pandeiro and the samba rhythm, including its subdivisions: partido alto, samba de roda, samba canção, and other rhythms such as maxixe and ijexá, which can be heard in a traditional samba roda.



An Overview of Philippine Native Music with Bo Razón

Friday, July 2, 2021

Bo Razón

Join us for a free workshop with Bo Razón, a multi-instrumentalist, composer, recording artist, and educator. His influences are mainly native music from North & Sub-Saharan Africa, Cuba, Southeast Asia, Brazil, the Caribbean, North America, the Iberian peninsula, and the Middle East. Bo plays several stringed and skinned (percussion) instruments from diverse global cultures and has performed with many major artists from around the world in many settings and venues in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.



See our 2020 Virtual Workshop Series