Last week, Revista Continente published a wonderful, in-depth article about frevo master Otávio Bastos and his Mexe Com Tudo teaching method. The article was written by Paula Passos, a journalist from Recife. Our frevo teacher, Kate Spanos, has been part of Otávio’s mentorship program for frevo dance teachers around the world since he launched it in 2020. She has been learning how to pass on the tradition of frevo using a method that is inclusive and focused on resisting Western aesthetic beauty standards and finding one’s own self-expression. Our frevo classes welcome all to participate and find their own munganga (read the article or come to a class to learn what that means)!
Diferente de outros métodos de frevo, em que, ao final, é feita uma roda e cada integrante dança no meio do círculo, o professor do Mexe com Tudo defende que quem está ali não precisa dançar para os olhos do outro e, sim, para os seus.
Check out the full article to learn more about Otávio and the Mexe Com Tudo method!