Ethnographic research workshop: Panel discussion about ethnography and cultural encounters in Fulbright research
March 31, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
At the core of Fulbright’s mission is cultural ambassadorship and international partnership. What are some common concerns for Fulbrighters when working in a new country? How do cultural encounters shape our Fulbright research or work? How do we develop meaningful collaborations with other Fulbrighters and local researchers in productive and sensitive ways?
- Rachita Sood – Fulbright-Nehru Scholar in India, 2015-16 – postdoctoral research fellow at Northwestern University, medicine
- Janet Robbins – Fulbright Specialist in Brazil, 2018 – professor emerita at West Virginia University, world music pedagogy
- Kate Spanos – Fulbright U.S. Scholar in Brazil, 2018 – adjunct faculty and marketing staff at University of Maryland, dance anthropology and performance studies
- Amy Kuritzky – Fulbright Student Research in Ecuador, 2019-20 (current) – recent graduate of Rice University, nutritional anthropology, environmental science, and anthropology
- Ilana Herold – Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in South Korea, 2019-20 (current) – recent graduate of University of Maryland, environmental science and technology
More information and registration at tiny.cc/FulbridgeEthnography